Accessibility Tools

Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
białe logo ATRAX4MOBILE

Fleet GPS monitoring system

Your mobile assistant
for fleet management!

Atrax4Mobile is a practical application for Android and iOS smartphones that gives you instant access to monitoring of vehicle fleet parameters and employee activities. You can easily check the working hours of your drivers and the routes covered by your vehicles.

Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. Tronik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.

Key benefits 

logo Atrax4 Mobile


  • Accurate location: our solution allows for precise tracking of your vehicles and drivers with exceptional accuracy.
  • Real time: it gives you constant access to information about the whereabouts of your vehicles and employees.
  • Emergency response: in the event of an emergency or unplanned event, quick access to your exact location allows you to respond immediately and take appropriate action.
zrzut ekranu telefonu komórkowego z KT4

Driver working hours control

  • Driver identification: Atrax4Mobile enables the identification of individual drivers, which is crucial for tracking team activities and work.
  • Position monitoring: The application allows for real-time vehicle position monitoring, facilitating route management and deliveries.
  • Working hours: Atrax4Mobile records the start and end times of work, aiding in managing driver work hours and compliance with regulations.
  • Data from the tachograph: In the case of heavy vehicles, the application can retrieve data regarding working hours from the digital tachograph, essential for compliance with regulations related to driver working hours.
zrzut ekranu telefonu komórkowego z KT4

Communication with the driver

  • Stay in touch with drivers: stay in touch with your driver with our integrated KT4 app.
  • Direct contact: the ability to call the driver or device with KT4 in the selected vehicle is the key to effective and reliable communication with fleet members.
zrzut ekranu Atrax4Mobile - komunikacja z kierowcą

Vehicle filtering

  • Filter by group: Our filtering function allows you to define exactly which groups of vehicles you want to monitor.
  • Position tracking: Filtering allows you to track the current position of a selected group of vehicles.
  • Customizing tags and icons: You can customize tags, icons, and descriptions to easily identify and monitor vehicles.
zrzut ekranu ATRAX4MOBILE - filtrowanie_pojazdow

Route animation

  • Advanced route tracking: we have provided a new and advanced vehicle route tracking function for mobile app users.
  • Route overview on the map: now you can easily and conveniently view the route history of the selected vehicle on the map.
  • Operational data: this function allows for simultaneous display of vehicle operational data, facilitating monitoring of its condition.
  • Diagrams of monitored parameters: access graphs of monitored parameters such as fuel level, vehicle speed, engine rpm, downtime, stops, refueling, fuel loss, and more.
zrzut ekranu ATRAX4MOBILE - animacja trasy

Viewing orders

  • Orders at your fingertips: order Preview allows you to quickly access all orders from anywhere.
  • 24/7 access: no matter where or when, you always have access to order information.
  • Mobility without losing control: even when you’re away from the office you can supervise and manage orders while maintaining full control.
  • Efficient management: with this feature you can effectively manage orders, which translates into efficient workflow.
    *The order preview is available only in the Android version.
zrzut ekranu z aplikacji KT4 - podgląd zleceń
białe logo ATRAX4MOBILE

Monitor your vehicles and your drivers

Our mobile version of Atrax4Mobile is designed for Android and iOS smartphone users to give you constant and quick access to key information.

Atrax4 Mobile allows you to monitor the performance of your vehicles and machines in real time. It gives you full insight into their technical condition, fuel consumption and other relevant data. And that’s not all! Our application also allows you to monitor the activities of your employees.

Continuous and fast access to

parameter monitoring.


zrzut ekranu telefonu komórkowego z aplikacją KT4

Want to effectively manage your fleet while reducing operating costs? Our ready-to-use and simplified reports available in both animated, tabular and graphical form are the key to success.

Daily Report*

This detailed report shows vehicle activity by day of the week and provides specific information such as meter status, where and when work began and ended, number of miles driven and amount of fuel consumed.

Check out

Clear insight into vehicle operations

zrzut ekranu telefonu komórkowego z aplikacją KT4

Raport tras*

*The report is available only in the Android version.

zrzut ekranu telefonu komórkowego z aplikacją KT4

Even more benefits

biała koperta

Our feature will give you the ability to effectively manage your orders in any situation. Provides a clear overview of all your orders.

biała linia na czarnym tle

Access to all the details of a specific order, including planned and actual freight time, driver and vehicle details and a description of the execution stage.

Want to learn more? Have a technical question?

Our consultants are at your service.

spedytor z laptopem
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Comprehensive system

Due to our ATRAX4 system, tracking and reporting fleet data becomes easier than ever before.

laptop z mapą Atrax4